Lesson 3 - Create

The Grown-Up Scoop

Crafts are a great way to explore a book in a hands-on and creative way. For I’m New Here, we invite your child to create a personality cloud that expresses who they are. While your child(ren) craft, it’s a perfect time to spark a conversation with them. Find example conversation starters below!

Personality Cloud


  • 1 paper plate

  • 1 blue sheet of paper

  • 3 pieces of string (or ribbon, yarn, etc.)

  • Patterned paper

  • Crayons or markers

  • Glue or tape

  • Scissors


Step 1

GATHER all the materials.

Step 2

CUT paper plate in half. CUT OUT three large droplet shapes from blue paper.

Step 3

GLUE paper plate halves together to form cloud shape. ATTACH droplets to cloud using string and tape.

Step 4

WRITE your name onto cloud. Then, on cloud and droplets DRAW images, WRITE words, and CUT OUT shapes from patterned paper that describe you (ex: hobbies, personality traits, family/friends, pets, etc.)!

5 Power Points!

Conversation Starters for Your Craft and Chat!

  1. Explain what makes up someone’s personality (i.e., how they act, what they like to do, character traits, etc.) “How would you describe yourself?”

  2. “What are some of your favorite things (foods, games, places, movies, etc.)?” “Why do you like those things?”

  3. “What does home mean to you?” “What makes a place a home?”

  4. “Have you ever experienced a challenge in your life?” “How did you overcome it?” “How could you help others facing challenges?” Provide an example from your life.

  5. “What does it mean to be welcoming?” “Why is it important to welcome people?”

Ready to tell your own version of the story in Lesson 4? CLICK HERE!