Lesson 1 - Get to Know
the Book
The Grown-Up Scoop
These first lessons are all about discovering this amazing book. Use this time to not only read it, but to start diving into the themes and details of the story!
Below are links to download the Book Pack Plan and Study Guide for Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa. Feel free to use these to explore the book on your own, or as a guide to follow along with as you travel through the sections.
Before You Read
To get started, share this short story summary with your child(ren):
Born with the voice of songbird, learn the true story of Celia Cruz, the singer who brought Salsa music and dancing to the world. Growing up poor in Havana, Cuba, Celia worked hard in school and helped care for her siblings and cousins. When Celia began winning singing contests on local radio shows she had to decide, should she become a schoolteacher or follow her passion for Latin music?
Now, sitting comfortably with your child(ren), show them the front and back covers of the book. Then ask questions, like the following, to stimulate their thinking, to encourage them to read, and to create wonder.
Are You Ready?
Begin each lesson with an African A-GO and A-MAY exercise to bring child(ren) to attention.
A-GO: Means “Are you ready to listen in silence?” (Explain the meaning and have them repeat the word.)
A-MAY: Means “Yes, I am ready to listen in silence and you may begin.” (Explain the meaning and have them repeat the word.)
Before Reading Questions:
Look at the cover of the book. What do you think the girl is doing?
Who encourages you to try new things?
What makes the waves in the illustration? Why do you think we are seeing water?
What is your special talent? What brings you joy?
Read the Book
When you are ready, read the book with your child(ren). Remember to have fun with it!
After You Read
After reading, review the story and its details by asking more questions to your child/children.
Post Reading Questions:
Why is a bird on the cover of the book?
How many siblings and cousins lived with Celia Cruz? Why or why not?
Why did Celia’s father want her to become a teacher?
How did Celia’s teachers encourage her to become a singer?
What was Celia’s “big break”?
What caused a tourist to buy Celia her first pair of shoes?