Lesson 4 - Create

The Grown-Up Scoop

Crafts are a great way to explore a book in a hands-on and creative way. For Chrysanthemum, we invite your child(ren) to create an anti-bullying boutonniere. While your child(ren) craft, it’s a perfect time to spark a conversation with them. Find example conversation starters below!

Anti-Bullying Boutonniere


  • 2 cupcake liners - One big, one small

  • 1 alligator clip

  • Foamie paper shapes

  • 1 gem

  • Scissors

  • Glue


Step 1

FLATTEN both cupcake liners. Glue the small liner onto the center of the larger liner.

Step 2

GLUE the foam shape to the center of the small liner. GLUE the gem on top of the foam shape.

Step 3

SNIP, FOLD, or CURL the “flower petals”.

Step 4

REMOVE the adhesive strip from the back of the alligator clip and place on the back of the “flower”. Your boutonniere is ready!

5 Power Points!

Conversation Starters for Your Craft and Chat!

  1. Talk to your child(ren) about a time someone teased YOU. What were you teased about?

  2. Ask your child(ren) if they have been teased or bullied at school. “What were you teased about? What did you do?”

  3. Let your child(ren) know that the appropriate action to take when being bullied is: not to act violently- -but tell a teacher or an adult.

  4. Tell your child(ren) that they can stand up for themselves. They can use words that project confidence and responsibility.

  5. “How can you help someone feel better about themselves?”

Additional Craft: Wrinkled Heart

Ready to tell your own version of the story in Lesson 5? CLICK HERE!