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Cross- Curricular Activities


Body Movements

  • Review body parts with locational terms (right/left, front/back, top/bottom, in front of/behind). Demonstrate the simple positions illustrated in the book. Have your child(ren) position their bodies like some of the poses in the book.

  • Let your child(ren) sit and listen with their eyes closed to the music of Firebird. Then have them stand and move only their upper body (head, arms, torso/trunk) to the music. Next, providing enough space, have child(ren) dance freely to the music. Can they make their body move using the action words (stretch, leap, spin, dance, fall) previously discussed? How did the music make them feel?

Visual Arts

  • What do you think the younger dancer’s journey looks like to get there? Have child(ren) imagine what might happen if the book continued for a few more pages. Instruct them to take their ideas and write /draw the next scene or two as they imagine it.


  • Can you name some of the shapes that are presented in the book, particularly, those in the background? What type of triangles are formed during the craft activity? Use rulers to identify/create triangles (Equilateral, Isosceles, Scalene).

Social Studies

Dear Reader

  • Share the letter on the last page of the book written by Misty Copeland. Discuss why she did not see herself in the ballet books that she read. What was her dream? What are some of Misty’s hopes for young black and brown ballet dancers? What are some of the stereotypes about being a ballet dancer?

Where Are They and Where Are You?

  • Can you tell where Misty and the little girl are in the story? Do you recognize the illustrations? Imagine the textures? Does your street look similar? Have you ever been to an exercise room? Dance studio? On stage?


How to Make an Object Move?

  • Objects:


    Paint brush

    Glue Stick



  • Distribute one different object to each child. Use a verb from the story (spin, fall, climb, leap, stretch, dance, soar, wrap, rise, press). Have the child demonstrate the action with the object. Can they do it? Why or why not?

Piece of yarn


Piece of ribbon

Paper Rubber band


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