Lesson 3 - Create

The Grown-Up Scoop

Crafts are a great way to explore a book in a hands-on and creative way. For Owl Moon, we invite you to create an owl puppet. While your child(ren) craft, it’s a perfect time to spark a conversation with them. Find example conversation starters below!

Owl Puppet



Step 1

Color your owl pieces on the owl cut-out sheet.

Step 2

Cut out the owl pieces.

Step 3

Glue the eyes and beak onto the top flap of your bag.

Step 4

Poke the paper fastener through the top of one of the wings, and into the front side of your paper bag. Open up the prongs on the inside of the bag to fasten. Do the same for the second wing.

5 Power Points!

Conversation Starters for Your Craft and Chat!

  1. “What sound does an owl make?” There are over 200 various species of owls in the world that make different sounds.

  2. Name other kinds of birds (flamingo, woodpecker, hummingbird, etc.). “What sound do they make?”

  3. “What are the names of the seasons? Which is your favorite? Why?”

  4. “Have you ever searched for something? Why?”

  5. “Can you name a time when you had to be very quiet? Was it hard to be quiet for a long time?”

Ready to tell your own version of the story in Lesson 4? CLICK HERE!