Lesson 3 - Create
The Grown-Up Scoop
Crafts are a great way to explore a book in a hands-on and creative way. For Wind Flyers, we invite your child(ren) to create a paper airplane. While your child(ren) craft, it’s a perfect time to spark a conversation with them. Find example conversation starters below!
Paper Plane
1 Paper Plane Outline (Download here!)
1 Paper Clip
Crayons / Markers
Step 1
COLOR the paper plane sheet. Make your plane unique, so that you can identify it in the air! *Remember to put your name on it!
Step 2
CUT out the three pieces of the plane. FOLD the main body of the plane on the two solid lines.
Step 3
CUT on the two dotted lines of the main body. *Do Not go past the dotted lines! Next, UNFOLD the body of the plane and PLACE it flat.
Step 4
INSERT the wing piece into the slit on the middle of the plane. INSERT the tail piece into the slit on the end of the plane. *Needs to fit snuggly! Lastly, PLACE paper clip onto the nose of the plane. SEND IT FLYING!
5 Power Points!
Conversation Starters for Your Craft and Chat!
“What would you be able to see from an airplane?”
“Can you name something other than a plane that has wings? What do they do with their wings?”
Discuss what the U.S. Army Airforce means. Are there any relatives or friends who have served?
“Have you ever seen anyone act bravely? What can you do to be brave?”
“What do you dream of doing when you get older?"